الجمعية الإنسانية للإغاثة والتنمية
نعمل من أجل حياةٍ أفضل
إنســانيــة بـلا حـدود
نعمل من أجل حياةٍ أفضل
- Relief Project
- لبنان
- 07/07/2021
660 families benefited from food parcels within the relief project implemented by the human association throughout the year in light of the difficult economic conditions.
- Capacity Building Programme “Bina’a"
- Lebanon - Al Rashydieh
- 2020
The project aims to build a kindergarten that consists of two floors: a roofed playground and a roof that contains the classrooms. This project will deals with children from age of 3 years to 5 years.
- Development Projects
- Lebanon
- 2020
Water Filtering Plant project in UNRWA Schools
Sector: Development
Population Group Targeted: Children
Beneficiaries: 650 students per year
- Development Projects
- نيجيريا
- 2021
The Human Association for Relief and Development implemented the project of digging a well with ablution space in cooperation with the Life Path Foundation, an ongoing charity for the spirit of the late Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Al Khaled “Abu Abdullah” and the late Hajja Samiha Ahmed Faraj “Umm Marei Al-Asaad” in Nigeria
العيـش الكـريم
نهدف إلى تحسين المستوى المعيشي والإجتماعي وتقديم خدمات مميزة للاجئين الفلسطينيين
حملاتنــا الإنسانية
- Livelihood
- لبنان
- 04/08/2021
- Livelihood
- لبنان
- 2021
#Save_Lebanon A relief campaign launched by the Human Association in light of the deteriorating economic and social conditions in Lebanon
- Humanitarian Work
- لبنان
- 19/08/2021
The association thanks its work team and the team of volunteers involved in humanitarian work and commends their efforts and giving.
إنسـانية بلا حدود

30 Tablets Delivered To Students
The Human Association handed over 30 tablets to the students of the Literary and Arithmetic Literacy Course, which it implements in partnership with the ANERA Foundation.
April 28, 2021